Our Products

Smart Kitchen Categories

We provide smart refrigerators, microwaves, ovens  and washing machines which can monitor the energy you’re using and reduce waste.
Here are some smart cleaning and kitchen gadgets that make chores easier.

Smart Refrigerator

Smart Cooker

Smart Oven

Smart Wash Machine

Smart Refrigerator

Our Smart Refrigerator having a tablet screen built into the fridge door that also works as a memo board, and you are able to access it from your phones.


Smart Airfryer Cooker

The new generation of our Smart Airfryer will automatically adjusts time and temperature during cooking for perfectly cooked dishes.  With the rapid air technology, it creates 7 times faster airflow and less fat.


Smart Oven

No time is wasted in googling for the right specifications with this handy smart oven in your kitchen. Our Smart Oven can monitor how well things are cooked and automatically shift into warming mode until you’re ready to eat.


Smart Washing Machine

Investing in a smart quality washing machine and dryer can save you time and give you peace of mind. Our latest Smart Washing Machine and Dryer Combo access with WiFI that you are enable to manage the controls remotely.


More products coming soon...

Planning to own a Smart Kitchen? Contact us